Hi Helen, you have brought to light so many similarities, through your own experiences. Yes, I am a perfectionist and reading through Chapter Seven, I am realising that this “need” to be a perfectionist, for me is from a lack of self-confidence and comparing myself with other writers, as I feel that I have shortchanged myself by starting so late in my life, and this is affecting my writing on Substack, so I find I procrastinate in writing and take much longer to finish one newsletter.

This has weighed me down for years, and now through TAW, it is all surfacing. I also battle with feelings of envy, which I never had before, and that sabotages my writing by hurting my self-esteem. I continue to struggle with “perfecting” my Substack - see that is what I mean. My time feels wasted, and I actually make myself sick and then I end up staying in bed and this makes this procrastinating cycle more vicious.

Phew, I feel so much better having written it all and taking it out of my head. It feels like Morning Pages. 😊

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