Jun 11Liked by Helen Redfern

I did AW in the 12 weeks because the thought of it going on for 24 made me scream internally - so it's been a while since I finished it, but I recognise a lot of what you note here. It did feel like a bit of a slog for quite a lot of the time, with the odd flash of OH, I SEE! along the way.

I am dropping in and out of doing the morning pages, they do seem to help excavate the limiting beliefs and such (but I am doing other work around that as well, so it's hard to tell what's having the effect).

I remain absolutely AWFUL at doing artist dates, why? I don't know - I fell like I have the time, but then it slips away - it's most likely a commitment thing. However I too have gone back to reading (and listening to, which is new!) a lot of fiction and it is really fun.

What I did have a real problem with was every time Julia Cameron mentioned "God" it brought me up short and *out of the work* . I am very much not anti-spirituality and if God is your thing then go for it, but it's not for me (other things are for me). Even when I crossed out "God" and changed it to e.g. "The Universe", it got in the way.

I still don't get synchronicity!

I probably wouldn't do the whole AW again but I did come out of it thinking a regular examination of 'where I am and where I want to be headed' would be valuable, so I may use some of the exercises again, and keep up with some form of journalling.

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The end of TAW could not come soon enough for me. I did finish the book and a large selection of the tasks.

I started off with excitement and the thought that I would happily complete every bit of the program and at the end my novel would be finished (or nearly finished) and I would have published multiple post to substack.

The reality

Morning pages, Artist dates, and tasks that challenged me to the core, left me wrung out. I felt anything but creative during this process. No Substack posts and minimal work on my novel.

Around Chapter 8- I went out one night (it was a full moon) and burned all of my morning pages. After that I just didn't religiously attend to them. I started to focus my energy more on artist dates. Doing watercolor painting and creative cooking both with others and on my own.

After an illness in April, and getting behind I nearly quite all together. I did a chapter a week in May and finished the book on May 28th

I'm happy I completed the book and the majority of the task. It was a full time job. I could not manage additional creativity while doing this program.

Now that I have finished TAW I feel I have additional tools for when my creative life gets stuck or sluggish.

I wrote an artist prayer and I read it nearly every day. I ask myself questions and hand write pages to see what answers appear. I play more. I'm being kinder to myself. Watching for negative self talk. I learned a lot about my creative self, what works and what definitely doesn't work.

I do know that had I not committed here in this group to participate I wouldn't have finished. At time peer pressure is a good thing 😂(even if that pressure is only in your own mind)

Helen I want to thank you once again for taking us along with you on this journey, even if at times we had tantrums.

I'm sure I will reflect on this adventure for years to come. I may even decide to repeat parts. For now I am rejoicing that it is finished.

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Wow, it really sounds like you threw yourself into it. No wonder the end couldn’t come soon enough. And yes, I know what you mean about it feeling like a full time job and leaving little mental energy for anything else creative. Congratulations on finishing it.

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I tried so hard to hang in but once I was out of the hospital, the pain during my home health visits was too much to focus on anything, much less read a book.

I don’t know if I will go back and finish things up or not. I will go back to the morning pages, with my own twist in them.

Do we know what the next book will be?

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Yes, it is going to be Bird by Bird for the month of July. A memoir about writing.

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Sorry for your health issues and i hope you recover quickly. I was doing shoulder rehab in January when we started and it was challenging to be in physical pain while being challenged to look at emotional blocks.

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Thanks! I still have one major surgery ahead of me in 3-6 months. Staying positive. I hope your rehab went well and you are back to life as usual.

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Jun 10Liked by Helen Redfern

Good for you!! I have never finished it. 😀

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I began the artist way 2 or 3 times before and this is the first time I have completed it. Because I was constantly running from the introspective work Because then I would nolonger be able to hide from the truth buried deep down inside. So therefore despite the hard throd the journey was worth it. I came I saw and conquered. And now a work in progress as I begin the processive journey to keep growing and staying on track. And I will continue with both the morning pages and artist day as they are worth the time and experience and the benefits are rewarding.

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It took me two tries to get through TAW - fifteen or so years apart! - so extra gold stars to you for getting through it the first time! I think I did it in 2022 (? - yes, I'm almost sure it was then) and I remember being pretty wrung out by the end of it and glazed over...I think I'd got all the information that I needed and while a big fan of introspection (it's a bit of a hobby of mine, after all :)) I was pretty much ruminated out.

That said, I have persistently ignored much of what I discovered in my morning pages, as far as what I wanted to be doing, because I didn't (don't?)) trust that it was real and not some kind of weird wishful thinking or massive, convoluted form of resistance -- so there's that. 😫. I've considered going through it again to see if I can get myself properly sorted but, honestly, the idea of it overwhelms me and I know that the issue lies more in my weirdly wired brain than it does with anything like fear or confidence - though there's fear about the consequences, I suppose. Good times...good times 🥲

From the outside, looking in, it seems like you've had some pretty huge breakthroughs - and they may keep coming -- and I'm so glad to hear you're getting your creative mojo back. xo

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Your experiences are really interesting, Mel. And yes - outside looking in I have made real progress. I think it just doesn’t feel how I expected it to feel.

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