Thank you so so much for sharing my book, love! And how funny… I’m seeing Austentacious in a few weeks with my cousin when I’m in London. We’ll have to compare notes afterward. 🩷

So many congratulations on sending out the book proposal — I’m cheering you on from here!

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Sorry I missed the planning session this month...I had a brain cramp and did the maths wrong for the time difference lol...ah well. Hopefully, I can catch up with you all next time! xo

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I'm now a subscriber and want to participate at noon Eastern time but I can't find a zoom link and that link doesn't think I'm a paid subscriber. Help!

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Karen, I've just looked and I think you're signed up as paid through a different email.

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I think you're right. I'm trying to sign out and sign back in under vigmo@umich.edu but I can't see how to sign in out. I'll keep trying.

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Jun 30Liked by Helen Redfern

Loved your update! I was wondering if there is a replay for the planning meet up. 😊

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I don’t do one, Mika, so as to protect the privacy of those who attend. I do have a post a month or two back where I lay out what I talk about in the workshop though.

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Jun 30Liked by Helen Redfern

Makes sense. The downside of being on opposite ends of the world. 😊

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