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Hello 🙂

(because I kept to the weekly AW schedule I've actually finished - I shall hang on to my thoughts about it 'til we all get there).

Except this thought - and your post really made me properly notice this. I stopped doing morning pages and affirmations when I got to the end of week 12 in an "oh thank god *that's* over" end of exams kind of way. Doing AW was a lot, I felt like I'd "done" it. However, since stopping doing MPs my impostery feelings/spiralling thoughts/negative talk, yes, IT'S ALL BACK. I just said to my husband "I feel like my brain is actually on fire".

So I'm starting MPs again tomorrow, I'm interested to see if that alone - without all the exercises - works as Julia C says it does (and I'll most likely end up doing some affirmations too, while I'm about it).

I struggled with Artist Dates the whole time, by the way...I think I will just sit and read for a bit this afternoon.

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